about_custom library


An about box. This is a dialog box with the application's icon, name, version number, and copyright, plus a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
An about box. This is a dialog box with the application's icon, name, version number, and copyright, plus a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
A ListTile that shows an about box.
A page that shows licenses for software used by the application.
A ListTile that shows an about box.
A page that shows a markdown document.
A ListTile that displays the provided markdown template in a new page.
Defines a handler that can intercept and handle taps on links in markdown templates. Implement this or extend UrlMarkdownTapHandler.
A page that shows a markdown document.
The default implementation of a MarkdownTapHandler. It simply tries to open the URL with a system handler. Does nothing if the URL scheme is not supported by the system.


defaultScaffoldBuilder(BuildContext context, Widget title, Widget child) Widget
This is the default builder for the Scaffold that is used around all pages.
showAboutPage({required BuildContext context, Widget? title, ScaffoldBuilder? scaffoldBuilder, String? applicationName, String? applicationVersion, Widget? applicationIcon, String? applicationLegalese, Widget? applicationDescription, bool dialog = false, List<Widget>? children, Map<String, String> values = const {}}) Future<void>
Displays an AboutPage, which describes the application and provides a button to show licenses for software used by the application.
showLicensePage({required BuildContext context, Widget? title, ScaffoldBuilder? scaffoldBuilder, Map<String, String>? values}) → void
Displays a LicenseListPage, which shows licenses for software used by the application.
showMarkdownPage({required BuildContext context, Widget? title, ScaffoldBuilder? scaffoldBuilder, String? applicationName, Widget? applicationIcon, required String filename, String? contentMarkdown, bool? useMustache, Map<String, String>? mustacheValues, MarkdownTapHandler? tapHandler, MarkdownStyleSheet? styleSheet, String? imageDirectory, List<BlockSyntax>? blockSyntaxes, List<InlineSyntax>? inlineSyntaxes, ExtensionSet? extensionSet, MarkdownImageBuilder? imageBuilder, MarkdownCheckboxBuilder? checkboxBuilder, Map<String, MarkdownElementBuilder> builders = const {}, bool fitContent = true, bool selectable = false, bool shrinkWrap = true, MarkdownStyleSheetBaseTheme? styleSheetTheme, SyntaxHighlighter? syntaxHighlighter}) → void
Show a markdown document in a screen


ScaffoldBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget title, Widget child)
Scaffold used around all pages.