handleTransactionResponse static method

String handleTransactionResponse(
  1. int status


This will be describe response from each transaction based on status code


static String handleTransactionResponse(int status) {
  switch (status) {
    case 1:
      return "Invalid Hash, Hash generated is incorrect and not following the guideline to generate the Hash.";
    case 2:
      return "Invalid Transaction ID, unsupported characters included in Transaction ID";
    case 3:
      return "Invalid Amount format need not include decimal point for KHR transaction. example for USD 100.00 for KHR 100";
    case 4:
      return "Duplicate Transaction ID, the transaction ID already exists in PayWay, generate new transaction.";
    case 5:
      return "Invalid Continue Success URL, (Main domain must be registered in PayWay backend to use success URL)";
    case 6:
      return "Invalid Domain Name (Request originated from non-whitelisted domain need to register domain in PayWay backend)";
    case 7:
      return "Invalid Return Param (String must be lesser than 500 chars)";
    case 9:
      return "Invalid Limit Amount (The amount must be smaller than value that allowed in PayWay backend)";
    case 10:
      return "Invalid Shipping Amount";
    case 11:
      return "PayWay Server Side Error";
    case 12:
      return "Invalid Currency Type (Merchant is allowed only one currency - USD or KHR)";
    case 13:
      return "Invalid Item, value for items parameters not following the guideline to generate the base 64 encoded array of item list.";
    case 15:
      return "Invalid Channel Values for parameter topup_channel";
    case 16:
      return "Invalid First Name - unsupported special characters included in value";
    case 17:
      return "Invalid Last Name";
    case 18:
      return "Invalid Phone Number";
    case 19:
      return "Invalid Email Address";
    case 20:
      return "Required purchase details when checkout";
    case 21:
      return "Expired production key";
      return "other - server-side error";