A1Partial class

Implemented types


A1Partial(String? letters, int? digits)
Create a A1Partial from letters or null, and digits or null
A1Partial.fromA1(A1 a1)
Create a A1Partial from an A1
A1Partial.fromVector(int? column, int? row)
Create a A1Partial from the partial vector


a1 A1?
If this partial has letters and digitis it get be returned as A1 otherwise a null is returned
no setter
column int?
Return the column as a zero based int or null
no setter
digits int?
digits of the A1 or null for all rows
down A1Partial
utility for moving down
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isAll bool
if both letters and digits are null this selects all
no setter
isWholeColumn bool
if this partial represents a whole column ie. no row specified
no setter
isWholeRow bool
if this partial represents a whole row ie. no column specified
no setter
isWholeRowOrColumn bool
if this partial represents either a whole row or column
no setter
left A1Partial
utility for moving left
no setter
letters String?
letters of the A1 or null for all columns
utility for moving right
no setter
row int?
Return the row as a zero based int or null
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
up A1Partial
utility for moving up
no setter


compareTo(dynamic other) int
The real work in a A1Partial is deciding if it is bigger than another this is important for creation of a range to order the left and right side of the : or ...
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
Show the A1Partial with null left as a blank string
vectorCopyWith({int? column, int? row}) A1Partial
Utility for copying


operator <(dynamic other) bool
operator <=(dynamic other) bool
operator ==(Object other) bool
If other is an A1Partial then compare letters/digits if it is an A1, try to see if this is castable as A1 and compare
operator >(dynamic other) bool
operator >=(dynamic other) bool

Static Properties

all A1Partial
Empty/all A1Partial
getter/setter pair

Static Methods

max(Iterable<A1Partial?> list) A1Partial
Conveniance function for determining maximum of a list of partials
min(Iterable<A1Partial?> list) A1Partial
Conveniance function for determining minimum of a list of partials
rangefromList(List<A1Partial?> listFrom, List<A1Partial?> listTo, {Object? tag, A1? anchor}) A1Range
Conveniance function for determining range from a list of partials