A new Flutter plugin project for connect to zywell printer.
Getting Started
import 'package:zywell_printer/zywell_printer.dart';
Define the plugin in your class
final _zywellPrinterPlugin = ZywellPrinter();
List<NetworkAddress> devices = [];
Get the list of available devices
Future<void> getDevices() async {
/// is the default ip of the printer
/// You can change it to your local network ip,
/// SDK will scan the network and return the available devices
_zywellPrinterPlugin.scanWifi((NetworkAddress addr) {
print('Found device: ${addr.ip}');
setState(() {
}, '');
Connect to the printer
bool isSuccess = await _zywellPrinterPlugin
Print the invoice by Flutter Widget (suggest use this for better quality)
Use this library to capture widget and convert it to image
widgets_to_image: ^1.0.0
Define invoice with Flutter view
controller: controller,
child: const DemoInvoice(),
is the widget that you want to print, demo code here. The widget must have background color/
Print the widget, use controller to capture the widget
final d = await controller.capture();
setState(() {
bytes = d;
image: d!,
/// Độ rộng của hoá đơn
invoiceWidth: 80,
/// Độ dài của hoá đơn
invoiceHeight: 160,
/// Padding trái phải của ảnh
gapWidth: 10,
/// Padding trên dưới của ảnh
gapHeight: 10,
/// Độ rộng của ảnh dùng để in
imageTargetWidth: 600);
} catch (e) {
print('Zywell Printer Plugin Error');
print('Failed to print picture.');
Print the text
List<PrintRowData> printData = [
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 10),
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 50),
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 90),
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 130),
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 170),
PrintRowData(content: 'Hello World', paddingToTopOfInvoice: 170),
// 50 and 80 is invoiceWidth and invoiceHeight
await _zywellPrinterPlugin.printText(printData, 50, 80);