dataMatrixCompact property

bool dataMatrixCompact

Specifies whether to use compact mode for Data Matrix (type bool, or "true" or "false" String value) The compact encoding mode also supports the encoding of characters that are not in the ISO-8859-1 character set via ECIs. Please note that in that case, the most compact character encoding is chosen for characters in the input that are not in the ISO-8859-1 character set. Based on experience, some scanners do not support encodings like cp-1256 (Arabic). In such cases the encoding can be forced to UTF-8 by means of the {@link #CHARACTER_SET} encoding hint. Compact encoding also provides GS1-FNC1 support when {@link #GS1_FORMAT} is selected. In this case group-separator character (ASCII 29 decimal) can be used to encode the positions of FNC1 codewords for the purpose of delimiting AIs. This option and FORCE_C40 are mutually exclusive.


final bool dataMatrixCompact;