addEdges static method

void addEdges(
  1. Input input,
  2. List<List<Edge?>> edges,
  3. int from,
  4. Edge? previous,


static void addEdges(
  Input input,
  List<List<Edge?>> edges,
  int from,
  Edge? previous,
) {
  if (input.isECI(from)) {
    addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.ascii, from, 1, previous));

  final ch = input.charAt(from);
  if (previous == null || previous.endMode != Mode.edf) {
    //not possible to unlatch a full EDF edge to something
    if (HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(ch) &&
        input.haveNCharacters(from, 2) &&
        HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 1))) {
      // two digits ASCII encoded
      addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.ascii, from, 2, previous));
    } else {
      // one ASCII encoded character or an extended character via Upper Shift
      addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.ascii, from, 1, previous));

    final modes = [Mode.c40, Mode.text];
    for (Mode mode in modes) {
      final characterLength = [0];
      if (getNumberOfC40Words(
            mode == Mode.c40,
          ) >
          0) {
        addEdge(edges, Edge(input, mode, from, characterLength[0], previous));

    if (input.haveNCharacters(from, 3) &&
        HighLevelEncoder.isNativeX12(input.charAt(from)) &&
        HighLevelEncoder.isNativeX12(input.charAt(from + 1)) &&
        HighLevelEncoder.isNativeX12(input.charAt(from + 2))) {
      addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.x12, from, 3, previous));

    addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.b256, from, 1, previous));

  //We create 4 EDF edges,  with 1, 2 3 or 4 characters length. The fourth normally doesn't have a latch to ASCII
  //unless it is 2 characters away from the end of the input.
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    final pos = from + i;
    if (input.haveNCharacters(pos, 1) &&
        HighLevelEncoder.isNativeEDIFACT(input.charAt(pos))) {
      addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.edf, from, i + 1, previous));
    } else {
  if (i == 3 &&
      input.haveNCharacters(from, 4) &&
      HighLevelEncoder.isNativeEDIFACT(input.charAt(from + 3))) {
    addEdge(edges, Edge(input, Mode.edf, from, 4, previous));