place method
void place() {
int pos = 0;
int row = 4;
int col = 0;
do {
// repeatedly first check for one of the special corner cases, then...
if ((row == _numRows) && (col == 0)) {
if ((row == _numRows - 2) && (col == 0) && ((_numCols % 4) != 0)) {
if ((row == _numRows - 2) && (col == 0) && (_numCols % 8 == 4)) {
if ((row == _numRows + 4) && (col == 2) && ((_numCols % 8) == 0)) {
// sweep upward diagonally, inserting successive characters...
do {
if ((row < _numRows) && (col >= 0) && _noBit(col, row)) {
_utah(row, col, pos++);
row -= 2;
col += 2;
} while (row >= 0 && (col < _numCols));
col += 3;
// and then sweep downward diagonally, inserting successive characters, ...
do {
if ((row >= 0) && (col < _numCols) && _noBit(col, row)) {
_utah(row, col, pos++);
row += 2;
col -= 2;
} while ((row < _numRows) && (col >= 0));
row += 3;
// ...until the entire array is scanned
} while ((row < _numRows) || (col < _numCols));
// Lastly, if the lower right-hand corner is untouched, fill in fixed pattern
if (_noBit(_numCols - 1, _numRows - 1)) {
_setBit(_numCols - 1, _numRows - 1, true);
_setBit(_numCols - 2, _numRows - 2, true);