encodeCharset method

int encodeCharset(
  1. String contents,
  2. Charset charset,
  3. int position

Encode the string starting at position position starting with the character set charset


int encodeCharset(String contents, Charset charset, int position) {
  assert(position < contents.length);
  final mCost = memoizedCost![charset.index][position];
  if (mCost > 0) {
    return mCost;

  int minCost = MathUtils.maxValue;
  Latch minLatch = Latch.none;
  final atEnd = position + 1 >= contents.length;

  final sets = [Charset.A, Charset.B];
  for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
    if (canEncode(contents, sets[i], position)) {
      int cost = 1;
      Latch latch = Latch.none;
      if (charset != sets[i]) {
        latch = Latch.values[sets[i].index];
      if (!atEnd) {
        cost += encodeCharset(contents, sets[i], position + 1);
      if (cost < minCost) {
        minCost = cost;
        minLatch = latch;
      cost = 1;
      if (charset == sets[(i + 1) % 2]) {
        latch = Latch.shift;
        if (!atEnd) {
          cost += encodeCharset(contents, charset, position + 1);
        if (cost < minCost) {
          minCost = cost;
          minLatch = latch;
  if (canEncode(contents, Charset.C, position)) {
    int cost = 1;
    Latch latch = Latch.none;
    if (charset != Charset.C) {
      latch = Latch.C;
    final advance =
        contents.codeUnitAt(position) == Code128Writer._escapeFnc1 ? 1 : 2;
    if (position + advance < contents.length) {
      cost += encodeCharset(contents, Charset.C, position + advance);
    if (cost < minCost) {
      minCost = cost;
      minLatch = latch;
  if (minCost == MathUtils.maxValue) {
    throw ArgumentError('Bad character in input: '
        'ASCII value=${contents.codeUnitAt(position)}');
  memoizedCost![charset.index][position] = minCost;
  minPath![charset.index][position] = minLatch;
  return minCost;