WhiteRectangleDetector constructor

  1. BitMatrix _image, [
  2. int initSize = _initSize,
  3. int? x,
  4. int? y,

@param image barcode image to find a rectangle in @param initSize initial size of search area around center @param x x position of search center @param y y position of search center @throws NotFoundException if image is too small to accommodate initSize


  this._image, [
  int initSize = _initSize,
  int? x,
  int? y,
])  : _height = _image.height,
      _width = _image.width,
      _leftInit = (x ?? _image.width ~/ 2) - initSize ~/ 2,
      _rightInit = (x ?? _image.width ~/ 2) + initSize ~/ 2,
      _upInit = (y ?? _image.height ~/ 2) - initSize ~/ 2,
      _downInit = (y ?? _image.height ~/ 2) + initSize ~/ 2 {
  if (_upInit < 0 ||
      _leftInit < 0 ||
      _downInit >= _height ||
      _rightInit >= _width) {
    throw NotFoundException.instance;