blackWhiteRange method
Computes the start and end of a region of pixels, either horizontally or vertically, that could be part of a Data Matrix barcode.
@param fixedDimension if scanning horizontally, this is the row (the fixed vertical location) where we are scanning. If scanning vertically it's the column, the fixed horizontal location @param maxWhiteRun largest run of white pixels that can still be considered part of the barcode region @param minDim minimum pixel location, horizontally or vertically, to consider @param maxDim maximum pixel location, horizontally or vertically, to consider @param horizontal if true, we're scanning left-right, instead of up-down @return List
List<int>? blackWhiteRange(
int fixedDimension,
int maxWhiteRun,
int minDim,
int maxDim,
bool horizontal,
) {
final center = (minDim + maxDim) ~/ 2;
// Scan left/up first
int start = center;
while (start >= minDim) {
if (horizontal
? _image.get(start, fixedDimension)
: _image.get(fixedDimension, start)) {
} else {
final whiteRunStart = start;
do {
} while (start >= minDim &&
? _image.get(start, fixedDimension)
: _image.get(fixedDimension, start)));
final whiteRunSize = whiteRunStart - start;
if (start < minDim || whiteRunSize > maxWhiteRun) {
start = whiteRunStart;
// Then try right/down
int end = center;
while (end < maxDim) {
if (horizontal
? _image.get(end, fixedDimension)
: _image.get(fixedDimension, end)) {
} else {
final whiteRunStart = end;
do {
} while (end < maxDim &&
? _image.get(end, fixedDimension)
: _image.get(fixedDimension, end)));
final whiteRunSize = end - whiteRunStart;
if (end >= maxDim || whiteRunSize > maxWhiteRun) {
end = whiteRunStart;
return end > start ? [start, end] : null;