FinderPatternFinder class

This class attempts to find finder patterns in a QR Code. Finder patterns are the square markers at three corners of a QR Code.

This class is thread-safe but not reentrant. Each thread must allocate its own object.

@author Sean Owen



FinderPatternFinder(BitMatrix _image, [ResultPointCallback? _resultPointCallback])


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
image BitMatrix
no setter
possibleCenters List<FinderPattern>
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


clearCounts(List<int> counts) → void
find([Map<DecodeHintType, Object>? hints]) FinderPatternInfo
handlePossibleCenter(List<int> stateCount, int i, int j, [bool pureBarcode = false]) bool
This is called when a horizontal scan finds a possible alignment pattern. It will cross check with a vertical scan, and if successful, will, ah, cross-cross-check with another horizontal scan. This is needed primarily to locate the real horizontal center of the pattern in cases of extreme skew. And then we cross-cross-cross check with another diagonal scan.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
shiftCounts2(List<int> stateCount) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

doClearCounts(List<int> counts) → void
doShiftCounts2(List<int> stateCount) → void
foundPatternCross(List<int> stateCount) bool
@param stateCount count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just read @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/1/3/1/1 ratios used by finder patterns to be considered a match
foundPatternDiagonal(List<int> stateCount) bool
@param stateCount count of black/white/black/white/black pixels just read @return true iff the proportions of the counts is close enough to the 1/1/3/1/1 ratios used by finder patterns to be considered a match


MAX_MODULES → const int
MIN_SKIP → const int