interleaveWithECBytes static method

BitArray interleaveWithECBytes(
  1. BitArray bits,
  2. int numTotalBytes,
  3. int numDataBytes,
  4. int numRSBlocks,

Interleave "bits" with corresponding error correction bytes. On success, store the result in "result". The interleave rule is complicated. See 8.6 of JISX0510:2004 (p.37) for details.


static BitArray interleaveWithECBytes(
    BitArray bits, int numTotalBytes, int numDataBytes, int numRSBlocks) {
  // "bits" must have "getNumDataBytes" bytes of data.
  if (bits.sizeInBytes != numDataBytes) {
    throw WriterException('Number of bits and data bytes does not match');

  // Step 1.  Divide data bytes into blocks and generate error correction bytes for them. We'll
  // store the divided data bytes blocks and error correction bytes blocks into "blocks".
  var dataBytesOffset = 0;
  var maxNumDataBytes = 0;
  var maxNumEcBytes = 0;

  // Since, we know the number of reedsolmon blocks, we can initialize the vector with the number.
  var blocks = <BlockPair>[];

  for (var i = 0; i < numRSBlocks; ++i) {
    var numDataBytesInBlock = Int32List(1);
    var numEcBytesInBlock = Int32List(1);
    getNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(numTotalBytes, numDataBytes,
        numRSBlocks, i, numDataBytesInBlock, numEcBytesInBlock);

    var size = numDataBytesInBlock[0];
    var dataBytes = Int8List(size);
    bits.toBytes(8 * dataBytesOffset, dataBytes, 0, size);
    var ecBytes = generateECBytes(dataBytes, numEcBytesInBlock[0]);
    blocks.add(BlockPair(dataBytes, ecBytes));

    maxNumDataBytes = math.max(maxNumDataBytes, size);
    maxNumEcBytes = math.max(maxNumEcBytes, ecBytes.length);
    dataBytesOffset += numDataBytesInBlock[0];
  if (numDataBytes != dataBytesOffset) {
    throw WriterException('Data bytes does not match offset');

  var result = BitArray();

  // First, place data blocks.
  for (var i = 0; i < maxNumDataBytes; ++i) {
    for (var block in blocks) {
      var dataBytes = block.dataBytes;
      if (i < dataBytes.length) {
        result.appendBits(dataBytes[i], 8);
  // Then, place error correction blocks.
  for (var i = 0; i < maxNumEcBytes; ++i) {
    for (var block in blocks) {
      var ecBytes = block.errorCorrectionBytes;
      if (i < ecBytes.length) {
        result.appendBits(ecBytes[i], 8);
  if (numTotalBytes != result.sizeInBytes) {
    // Should be same.
    throw WriterException(
        'Interleaving error: $numTotalBytes and ${result.sizeInBytes} differ.');

  return result;