These are little helper heinzelmen to help Flutter Development at ZWEIDENKER

App Version

When building Flutter apps using ZWEIDENKER's Flutter Workflow the build number is generated based on the version specified in the app's pubspec.yaml file like this:

(major * 100000000) + (minor * 1000000) + (patch * 10000) + buildNumber

The AppVersion Widget displays the App Version based on the retrieved buildNumber of the above formula and brings it back to the format of major.minor.patch+build

const AppVersion(
  style: TextStyle(
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Feature Toggle

The feature toggle is a helper to register taps on a widget and if a certain amount of taps is reached the callback returns true to indicate that a feature can be shown/activated. This is used primarily to display additional settings after tapping on a widget for a certain amount of time

const featureToggle = FeatureToggle(
  requiredTaps: 3,
  coolOff: const Duration(seconds: 2),


    onTap: () {
      final enabled = featureToggle.registerTap();
      if (enabled) {
        setState(() {
            showFeature = true;
    child: const Text('Tap me'),

A simple abstraction layer for launching links. This allows for easier testing, opening links externaly or in a tab view inside the app. If you use checkTrackingPermission on iOS you need to declare the usage of NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in your Info.plist

<string>This website uses cookies to make the experience user-friendly and effective.</string>

Simple Loader Mixin

A mixin to provide simple loading functionality to widgets. This provides loading, error and data variables to build UI based on the state