triggerType property

  1. @TagNumber(2)
String triggerType

id of the trigger type. Following triggers are currently allowed:

  • External Authentication:
    • Post Authentication: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_AUTHENTICATION or 1
    • Pre Creation: TRIGGER_TYPE_PRE_CREATION or 2
    • Post Creation: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_CREATION or 3
  • Internal Authentication:
    • Post Authentication: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_AUTHENTICATION or 1
    • Pre Creation: TRIGGER_TYPE_PRE_CREATION or 2
    • Post Creation: TRIGGER_TYPE_POST_CREATION or 3
  • Complement Token:
    • Pre Userinfo Creation: 4
    • Pre Access Token Creation: 5
  • Complement SAML Response:
    • Pre SAML Response Creation: 6


$core.String get triggerType => $_getSZ(1);
  1. @TagNumber(2)
void triggerType=(String v)


set triggerType($core.String v) { $_setString(1, v); }