Ziqx Auth

Simple and minimal authentication package for Ziqx Auth.

You can use this package to authenticate users in your application. You must get the API key and get your app registered with Ziqx Ecosystem to use this package.


import 'package:ziqx_auth/ziqx_auth.dart';

    context: context,
    api: API_KEY,
    app: APP_NAME,
    onSuccess: (res) {
        // Do something with the response
    onError: (err) {
        // Do something with the error
    toolBarColor: Colors.black

// Once the user is authenticated, you can get the user details as response.


    "status": "success", 
    "message": "Session created successfully", 
            "app": "ziqx", 
            "createdAt": 1668996733300, 
            "isVerified": true, 
            "key": "p66dx5lq3yar"

That's All

Ziqx is meant for simplicity and ease of use. We are trying to make it as simple as possible. We are open to suggestions and contributions. Feel free to open an issue or a pull request.