InAppWebViewWebElement class


InAppWebViewWebElement({required dynamic viewId, required BinaryMessenger messenger})


bridgeJsObject JsObject
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headlessWebViewId String?
getter/setter pair
iframe IFrameElement
getter/setter pair
iframeContainer DivElement
getter/setter pair
initialData ↔ InAppWebViewInitialData?
getter/setter pair
initialFile String?
getter/setter pair
initialSettings ↔ InAppWebViewSettings?
getter/setter pair
initialUrlRequest ↔ URLRequest?
getter/setter pair
isLoading bool
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
settings ↔ InAppWebViewSettings?
getter/setter pair


canScrollHorizontally() Future<bool>
canScrollVertically() Future<bool>
dispose() → void
evaluateJavascript({required String source}) Future
getContentHeight() Future<int?>
getContentWidth() Future<int?>
getIFrameId() String
getOriginalUrl() Future<String?>
getSandbox() Set<Sandbox>
getScrollX() Future<int?>
getScrollY() Future<int?>
getSelectedText() Future<String?>
getSettings() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
getSize() Size
getTitle() Future<String?>
getUrl() Future<String?>
goBack() Future<void>
goBackOrForward({required int steps}) Future<void>
goForward() Future<void>
handleMethodCall(MethodCall call) Future
Handles method calls over the MethodChannel of this plugin.
injectCSSCode({required String source}) Future<void>
injectCSSFileFromUrl({required String urlFile, Map<String, dynamic>? cssLinkHtmlTagAttributes}) Future<void>
injectJavascriptFileFromUrl({required String urlFile, Map<String, dynamic>? scriptHtmlTagAttributes}) Future<void>
isSecureContext() Future<bool>
loadData({required String data, String mimeType = "text/html"}) Future<void>
loadFile({required String assetFilePath}) Future<void>
loadUrl({required URLRequest urlRequest}) Future<void>
makeInitialLoad() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onConsoleMessage(String type, String? message) → void
onCreateWindow(int windowId, String url, String? target, String? windowFeatures) Future<bool?>
onEnterFullscreen() → void
onExitFullscreen() → void
onInjectedScriptError(String id) → void
onInjectedScriptLoaded(String id) → void
onLoadStart(String url) → void
onLoadStop(String url) → void
onPrintRequest(String? url) → void
onScrollChanged(int x, int y) → void
onTitleChanged(String? title) → void
onUpdateVisitedHistory(String url) → void
onWindowBlur() → void
onWindowFocus() → void
onZoomScaleChanged(double oldScale, double newScale) → void
postUrl({required String url, required Uint8List postData}) Future<void>
prepare() → void
printCurrentPage() Future<void>
reload() Future<void>
scrollBy({required int x, required int y, bool animated = false}) Future<void>
scrollTo({required int x, required int y, bool animated = false}) Future<void>
setSettings(InAppWebViewSettings newSettings) Future<void>
stopLoading() Future<void>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.