UiServerExt extension



announcerInfoFuture() Future<Message?>
Return stats for current Site
certAddFuture(String domain, String authType, String authUserName, String cert) Future<MessageOrPromptOrError>
Returns "ok", "Not changed" or {"error": error_message}.
certSelectFuture({List<String>? acceptedDomains, bool acceptAny = false, String? acceptedPattern}) Future<PromptResult>
Return: Prompt with list of certs available.
channelJoinFuture(List<String> channels) Future<Message>
Return: None.
dbQueryFuture(String query, [Map sqlparams = const {}]) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: Result of the query as an array.
dirListFuture(String innerPath, {bool stats = false}) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: List of file and directory names
fileDeleteFuture(String innerPath) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.
fileGetFuture(String innerPath, {bool required_ = true, String format = 'text', int timeout = 300, int priority = 6}) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: The content of the file.
fileListFuture(String innerPath) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: List of files in the directory (recursive).
fileNeedFuture(String innerPath, {int timeout = 300, int priority = 6}) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: "ok" on successful download.
fileQueryFuture(String dirInnerPath, {String query = ''}) Future<Message>
Return: Matched content as an array.
fileRulesFuture(String innerPath) Future<Message>
Return: Matched content as an array.
fileWriteFuture(String innerPath, String contentBase64, [bool ignoreBadFiles = false]) Future<MessageOrPromptOrError>
Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.
pingFuture() Future<Message>
Return: pong
serverInfoFuture() Future<ServerInfo>
Return: All information about the server
siteInfoFuture({String? fileStatus}) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: All information about the site If return value isMsg you can convert result to siteInfo with siteInfo extension method final siteInfo = result.message!.siteInfo; or using SiteInfo.fromJson() method final siteInfo = SiteInfo.fromJson(result.message!.result);
sitePublishFuture({String? privatekey, String? innerPath, bool sign = true, bool removeMissingOptional = false, bool updateChangedFiles = false}) Future<MessageOrPromptOrError>
Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.
siteReloadFuture([String? innerPath]) Future<Message>
Return: "ok" on success
siteSignFuture({String? privatekey, String? innerPath, bool removeMissingOptional = false, bool updateChangedFiles = false, bool responseOk = true}) Future<MessageOrPromptOrError>
Return: "ok" on success, the error message otherwise.
siteUpdateFuture(String address, {bool checkFiles = false, bool announce = false, int? since}) Future<MessageOrError>
Return: MessageOrError.
userGetGlobalSettingsFuture() Future<Message>
Returns: User's global settings saved using userSetGlobalSettings(ADMIN).
userGetSettingsFuture() Future<Message>
Return: User specific site's settings saved using userSetSettings.
userSetSettingsFuture(Map settings) Future<Message>
Return: "ok" on success.