CryptMessageExt extension



aesDecryptArrayFuture(List<String>? encryptedTexts, List<String>? keys) Future<Message>
Return: Decoded array of decoded texts.
aesDecryptFuture(String? iv, String? encryptedText, String? key, {List<List<String>> encryptedTexts = const [], List<String> keys = const []}) Future<Message>
Return: Decoded text
aesEncryptFuture(String text, {String? key}) Future<Message>
Return: base64 encoded key, base64 encoded iv, base64 encoded encrypted text.
eciesDecryptFuture(dynamic params, {int privateKey = 0}) Future<Message>
Decrypted text or array of decrypted texts (null for failed decodings).
eciesEncryptFuture(String text, {dynamic publicKey = 0, bool returnAesKey = false}) Future<Message>
Encrypted text in base64 format or Encrypted text in base64 format, AES key in base64 format.
userPublickeyFuture({int? index}) Future<Message>
Return: Base64-encoded public key.