setConversationTags static method

Future<void> setConversationTags(
  1. List<String> tags

Add a list of tags to a support ticket

Conversation tags are not immediately associated with a conversation when this method is called. It will only be applied to a conversation when end users either start a new conversation or send a new message in an existing conversation.

For example, to apply "promo_code" and "discount" tags to a conversation about an order, then you would call: ZendeskMessaging.setConversationTags(["promo_code","discount"])


static Future<void> setConversationTags(List<String> tags) async {
  try {
    await _channel.invokeMethod('setConversationTags', {'tags': tags});
  } catch (e) {
    debugPrint('ZendeskMessaging - setConversationTags - Error: $e}');