onRoomMemberLeft property

(void Function(ZIM zim, List<ZIMUserInfo> memberList, String roomID)?) onRoomMemberLeft
getter/setter pair

Callback when other members leave the room.

Available since: 1.1.0 or above.

Description: After joining a room, when other members leave the room, they will receive this callback.

Use cases: When other members in the room leave the room, this callback will be called.

When to call: After creating a ZIM instance through ZIM.create, and the user is in the same room of other members, you can call this interface.

Caution:If the user is not currently in this room, this callback will not be called.

Related APIs: You can receive this callback when other room members join through onRoomMemberJoined.

zim ZIM instance. memberList List of members who left the room. roomID The ID of the room where this event occurred.


static void Function(ZIM zim, List<ZIMUserInfo> memberList, String roomID)?