updateGroupAvatarUrl abstract method

Future<ZIMGroupAvatarUrlUpdatedResult> updateGroupAvatarUrl(
  1. String groupAvatarUrl,
  2. String groupID

Supported versions: 2.3.0 and above.

Detail description: After a group is created, the user can modify the group avatar URL by calling this method.

Business scenario: After creating a group, the user needs to change the group avatar URL.

Invocation timing/notification timing: It can be invoked after creating a ZIM instance through create and logging in.

Usage restrictions: Group members and group owners can modify the group avatar, with a maximum length of 500 bytes.

Related callbacks: The result of changing the group name can be obtained through the ZIMGroupAvatarUrlUpdatedResult callback, and the updated group avatar information can be obtained through the ZIMEventHandler.onGroupAvatarUrlUpdated callback.


Future<ZIMGroupAvatarUrlUpdatedResult> updateGroupAvatarUrl(
    String groupAvatarUrl, String groupID);