updateConversationPinnedState abstract method

Future<ZIMConversationPinnedStateUpdatedResult> updateConversationPinnedState(
  1. bool isPinned,
  2. String conversationID,
  3. ZIMConversationType conversationType

Available since: 2.8.0 and above.

Description: This method can modify the pinned state of the specified conversation of the logged-in user.

Use cases: You can call this interface when you need to modify the pinned state of a conversation.

When to call /Trigger: Can be invoked after login.

Restrictions: Available after login, unavailable after logout.

Related callbacks: ZIMConversationPinnedStateUpdatedResult.


Future<ZIMConversationPinnedStateUpdatedResult> updateConversationPinnedState(bool isPinned, String conversationID, ZIMConversationType conversationType);