transferGroupOwner abstract method

Future<ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredResult> transferGroupOwner(
  1. String toUserID,
  2. String groupID

Available since: 2.1.5 and above.

Description: After a group is created, the group owner can use this method to assign the group owner to a specified user.

Use cases: In a group chat scenario, you can transfer the group master through this interface.

When to call /Trigger: The ZIM instance can be invoked after being created by create and logged in.

Restrictions: You cannot transfer a group owner if you are not a group owner.

Related APIs: Through the callback ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredResult can get the result of the transfer of the group manager. toUserID The converted group owner ID. groupID The group ID of the group owner to be replaced.


Future<ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredResult> transferGroupOwner(
    String toUserID, String groupID);