sendRoomMessage abstract method

Future<ZIMMessageSentResult> sendRoomMessage(
  1. ZIMMessage message,
  2. String toRoomID,
  3. ZIMMessageSendConfig config

deprecated: This API has been deprecated since 2.4.0, please use sendMessage instead.

Send room messages.

Available since: 2.1.5 or above

Description: When this function is called, the message will be sent in the room. At the same time, the ZIMMessageSentResult callback will be received, which can be used to determine whether the message was sent successfully.

Use Cases: This feature is required for scenarios where multiple people in the room are chatting.

message The message to be sent. toRoomID The ID of the room which will receive the message. config Related configuration for sending room messages.


Future<ZIMMessageSentResult> sendRoomMessage(
    ZIMMessage message, String toRoomID, ZIMMessageSendConfig config);