searchLocalMessages abstract method

Future<ZIMMessagesSearchedResult> searchLocalMessages(
  1. String conversationID,
  2. ZIMConversationType conversationType,
  3. ZIMMessageSearchConfig config

Supported versions: 2.9.0 and above.

Detailed description: This method is used to search local messages.

Business scenario: When it is necessary to search for past local messages based on keywords or other conditions, this interface can be called to perform pagination search for local messages.

Restrictions: Effective after login, invalid after logout. Searching is not supported in the room scene (conversationType=1).

Related callbacks: ZIMMessagesSearchedResult.

conversationID The conversation ID of the local message to be search. conversationType conversation type. config Search the configuration of local messages.


Future<ZIMMessagesSearchedResult> searchLocalMessages(String conversationID, ZIMConversationType conversationType, ZIMMessageSearchConfig config);