queryMessageReceiptsInfo abstract method

Future<ZIMMessageReceiptsInfoQueriedResult> queryMessageReceiptsInfo(
  1. List<ZIMMessage> messageList,
  2. String conversationID,
  3. ZIMConversationType conversationType

Available since: 2.5.0 and above.

Description: This method can query the receipt information of a batch of messages, including the status, the number of unread users and the number of read users.

Use cases: If you need to query the receipt status of the message, the number of unread users and the number of read users, you can call this interface.

When to call: Callable after login. If you need to query the detailed member list, you can query through the interface queryGroupMessageReceiptReadMemberList or queryGroupMessageReceiptUnreadMemberList.

Restrictions: Only messages whose statuses are not NONE and UNKNOWN are supported.

Related callbacks: ZIMMessageReceiptsInfoQueriedResult.

Related APIs: queryGroupMessageReceiptReadMemberList , queryGroupMessageReceiptUnreadMemberList.


Future<ZIMMessageReceiptsInfoQueriedResult> queryMessageReceiptsInfo(
    List<ZIMMessage> messageList, String conversationID, ZIMConversationType conversationType);