queryConversationPinnedList abstract method

Available since: 2.8.0 and above.

Description: This method displays the pinned conversation list of the logged in user.

Use cases: This interface can be invoked to get the data source when you need to display an existing pinned message conversation after logging in.

When to call /Trigger: Can be invoked after login.

Restrictions:There is no limit to the frequency of use, available after login, unavailable after logout.

Caution: NextConversation is the riveting point of the query message, which can be null for the first query. In subsequent query, the earliest conversation can be used as nextConversation to query earlier sessions. In paging query, Count in ZIMConversationQueryConfig fill each pull the number of sessions. config Configuration for session queries.


Future<ZIMConversationPinnedListQueriedResult> queryConversationPinnedList(ZIMConversationQueryConfig config);