muteGroup abstract method

Future<ZIMGroupMutedResult> muteGroup(
  1. bool isMute,
  2. String groupID,
  3. ZIMGroupMuteConfig config

Available since: 2.14.0 and above.

Description: Once a group is created, the group administrator can call this interface to implement group muting and unmuting.

Use cases: After creating a group, users need to change the mute status of the group.

When to call: This can be called after a ZIM instance is created using create and logged into the group.

Restrictions: This can be called by the group owner and group administrators.

Related result: The result of changing the group mute status can be obtained through the ZIMGroupMutedResult result. The updated group mute status information can be obtained through onGroupMuteInfoUpdated.


Future<ZIMGroupMutedResult> muteGroup(bool isMute,String groupID, ZIMGroupMuteConfig config);