deleteAllConversationMessages abstract method

Future<void> deleteAllConversationMessages(
  1. ZIMMessageDeleteConfig config

Supported versions: 2.14.0 and above.

Detail description: This method implements the function of deleting all messages for all sessions.

Business scenario: The user needs to delete a message. When the user does not need to display a message, this method can be used to delete it.

Call timing/Notification timing: Called when you need to delete all messages for all sessions.

Note: The sdk deletes lastMessage for each conversation, but does not trigger onConversationChanged for each conversation. To update the last message of the conversation, call queryConversationList again to retrieve the conversation list from the sdk. IsAlsoDeleteServerMessage decided whether to delete a server message, the impact of deleting messages is limited to this account.

Restrictions: Effective after login.

Impacts on other APIs: Call the interface trigger onMessageDeleted callback, if there are unread messages at this time, will trigger onConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountUpdated callback.

Related callbacks:ZIMConversationMessagesAllDeletedCallbackonMessageDeletedonConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountUpdated. config Delete the configuration of message. callback Returns the result of deleting all messages.


Future<void> deleteAllConversationMessages(ZIMMessageDeleteConfig config);