callingInvite abstract method

Future<ZIMCallingInvitationSentResult> callingInvite(
  1. List<String> invitees,
  2. String callID,
  3. ZIMCallingInviteConfig config

Supported versions: 2.9.0 and above.

Detail description: In the advanced mode, when the master calls the call invitation, users in the call can continue to invite other users to join the call through the interface,Or after the called party accepts the advanced mode call invitation.

When to call: After calling callInvite to initiate a call invitation in advanced mode.

Note: User calls that are not in the call will fail. ZIM SDK has no relevant business logic after accepting. Developers can customize the development logic after adding calls. By default, a call can contain a maximum of 9 users.

Related callbacks: ZIMCallingInvitationSentResult.

invitees List of invited user ids. callID callID of the current call in advanced mode. config This section describes how to configure the call invitation.


Future<ZIMCallingInvitationSentResult> callingInvite(
    List<String>invitees, String callID, ZIMCallingInviteConfig config);