addMessageReaction abstract method

Future<ZIMMessageReactionAddedResult> addMessageReaction(
  1. String reactionType,
  2. ZIMMessage message

Available sinces: 2.10.0 and above.

Detail description: Message reaction refers to the user's response to a message. It can generally be used to add or remove emoticons for single chat or group chat messages, as well as to initiate group voting, confirm group results, and other operations.

Use cases: Users need to express their position on a certain message, such as liking, and this method can be used to express their position.

Note: Room message reaction is not supported.

Restrictions: You can only use it after logging in. And only supports message reactions for single chat and group chat

Related callbacks: If the addition is successful, the onMessageReactionsChanged callback will be triggered. If the reaction is made to the latest message in the conversation, the onConversationChanged callback will be triggered when the addition is successful.


Future<ZIMMessageReactionAddedResult> addMessageReaction (
    String reactionType, ZIMMessage message);