sendRequest method

Future<ZegoLiveStreamingPKServiceSendRequestResult> sendRequest({
  1. required List<String> targetHostIDs,
  2. int timeout = 60,
  3. String customData = '',
  4. bool isAutoAccept = false,

inviting hosts for a PK.

you will need to specify the targetHostIDs you want to connect with. Remember the hosts you invite must has started a live stream, otherwise, an error will return via the method you called.

you can used timeout to set the timeout duration of the PK battle request you sent. After it timed out, the host who sent the request will receive a callback notification via the ZegoLiveStreamingPKEvents.onOutgoingRequestTimeout.

if you want to customize the info that you want the host you invited to receive, you can set customData, and the invited host will receive via ZegoLiveStreamingPKEvents.onIncomingRequestReceived.

If you want the remote host to directly accept without a confirmation dialog before entering the PK, you can set isAutoAccept to true. Please note that within the same PK session, this value ONLY takes effect the FIRST time it is set (after the first acceptance of the invitation), subsequent invitations will use the value set during the first acceptance.


Future<ZegoLiveStreamingPKServiceSendRequestResult> sendRequest({
  required List<String> targetHostIDs,
  int timeout = 60,
  String customData = '',
  bool isAutoAccept = false,
}) async {
    'targetHostIDs:$targetHostIDs, '
    'timeout:$timeout, '
    'customData:$customData, '
    'isAutoAccept:$isAutoAccept, ',
    tag: 'live-streaming',
    subTag: ', sendRequest',

  return ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingPK.instance.sendPKBattleRequest(
    targetHostIDs: targetHostIDs,
    timeout: timeout,
    customData: customData,
    isAutoAccept: isAutoAccept,