ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingInnerText class

Control the text on the UI. Modify the values of the corresponding properties to modify the text on the UI. You can also change it to other languages.

This class is used for the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingConfig.innerText property.

Note that the placeholder %0 in the text will be replaced with the corresponding username.


ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingInnerText({String? disagreeButton, String? agreeButton, String? startLiveStreamingButton, String? endCoHostButton, String? requestCoHostButton, String? cancelRequestCoHostButton, String? removeCoHostButton, String? cancelMenuDialogButton, String? inviteCoHostButton, String? removeUserMenuDialogButton, String? noHostOnline, String? memberListTitle, String? memberListRoleYou, String? memberListRoleHost, String? memberListRoleCoHost, String? sendRequestCoHostToast, String? hostRejectCoHostRequestToast, String? inviteCoHostFailedToast, String? audienceRejectInvitationToast, String? requestCoHostFailedToast, String? repeatInviteCoHostFailedToast, String? messageEmptyToast, String? userEnter, String? userLeave, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? cameraPermissionSettingDialogInfo, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? microphonePermissionSettingDialogInfo, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? receivedCoHostRequestDialogInfo, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? receivedCoHostInvitationDialogInfo, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? endConnectionDialogInfo, String? audioEffectTitle, String? audioEffectReverbTitle, String? audioEffectVoiceChangingTitle, String? beautyEffectTitle, String? voiceChangerNoneTitle, String? voiceChangerLittleBoyTitle, String? voiceChangerLittleGirlTitle, String? voiceChangerDeepTitle, String? voiceChangerCrystalClearTitle, String? voiceChangerRobotTitle, String? voiceChangerEtherealTitle, String? voiceChangerFemaleTitle, String? voiceChangerMaleTitle, String? voiceChangerOptimusPrimeTitle, String? voiceChangerCMajorTitle, String? voiceChangerAMajorTitle, String? voiceChangerHarmonicMinorTitle, String? reverbTypeNoneTitle, String? reverbTypeKTVTitle, String? reverbTypeHallTitle, String? reverbTypeConcertTitle, String? reverbTypeRockTitle, String? reverbTypeSmallRoomTitle, String? reverbTypeLargeRoomTitle, String? reverbTypeValleyTitle, String? reverbTypeRecordingStudioTitle, String? reverbTypeBasementTitle, String? reverbTypePopularTitle, String? reverbTypeGramophoneTitle, String? beautyEffectTypeWhitenTitle, String? beautyEffectTypeRosyTitle, String? beautyEffectTypeSmoothTitle, String? beautyEffectTypeSharpenTitle, String? beautyEffectTypeNoneTitle, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? incomingPKBattleRequestReceived, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? coHostEndCauseByHostStartPK, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? pkBattleEndedCauseByAnotherHost, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByError, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByBusy, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByLocalHostStateError, ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo? outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByReject})


agreeButton String
The text of the button for the host to accept audience's co-host request on the member list. The default value is "Agree".
getter/setter pair
audienceRejectInvitationToast String
Notification for the audience's rejection of the host's co-hosting invitation. Leave it blank if you don't want any notification to appear. The default value is "%0 refused to be a co-host.", where %0 will be replaced with the corresponding username.
getter/setter pair
audioEffectReverbTitle String
The title of the voice changing category. The default value is "Reverb".
getter/setter pair
audioEffectTitle String
The title of the voice changing category. The default value is "Audio effect".
getter/setter pair
audioEffectVoiceChangingTitle String
The title of the voice changing category. The default value is "Voice changing".
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTitle String
The title of the voice changing category. The default value is "Face beautification".
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTypeNoneTitle String
Beauty effect:None
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTypeRosyTitle String
Beauty effect:Rosy
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTypeSharpenTitle String
Beauty effect:Sharpen
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTypeSmoothTitle String
Beauty effect:Smooth
getter/setter pair
beautyEffectTypeWhitenTitle String
Beauty effect:Whiten
getter/setter pair
cameraPermissionSettingDialogInfo ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
Info for camera permission request dialog. The default values are:
getter/setter pair
cancelMenuDialogButton String
The cancel button of the pop-up menu, clicking it will hide the menu. The default value is "Cancel".
getter/setter pair
cancelRequestCoHostButton String
The text of button which audience cancel request to join co-hosting. The default value is "Cancel the application".
getter/setter pair
coHostEndCauseByHostStartPK ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the co-host is terminated cause by host start PK The default values are:
getter/setter pair
disagreeButton String
The text of the button for the host to reject audience's co-host request on the member list. The default value is "Disagree".
getter/setter pair
endCoHostButton String
The text of button which co-host exit co-hosting. The default value is "End".
getter/setter pair
endConnectionDialogInfo ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the co-host when ending the co-hosting session. The default values are:
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hostRejectCoHostRequestToast String
Notification received by the audience after their request to join co-hosting is declined by the host. If you don't want any notification to appear, leave it blank. The default value is "Your request to co-host with the host has been refused.".
getter/setter pair
incomingPKBattleRequestReceived ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the local host receives a PK invitation The default values are:
getter/setter pair
inviteCoHostButton String
The text of button which host invite the audience to become a co-host. The default value is "Invite %0 to co-host", where %0 will be replaced with the corresponding username.
getter/setter pair
inviteCoHostFailedToast String
Notification for the failure of the host's invitation to the audience to join co-hosting. Leave it blank if you don't want any notification to appear. The default value is "Failed to connect with the co-host, please try again.".
getter/setter pair
memberListRoleCoHost String
Identification of the co-host on the member list. The default value is "Co-host".
getter/setter pair
memberListRoleHost String
Identification of the host on the member list. The default value is "Host".
getter/setter pair
memberListRoleYou String
Identification of oneself on the member list. The default value is "You".
getter/setter pair
memberListTitle String
The title of the member list, automatically adding (number of people in the live room). The default value is "Audience.".
getter/setter pair
messageEmptyToast String
message's place holder
getter/setter pair
microphonePermissionSettingDialogInfo ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
Info for microphone permission request dialog. The default values are:
getter/setter pair
noHostOnline String
Background prompt text when the host is not present. The default value is "No host is online.".
getter/setter pair
outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByBusy ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the pk invitation failed cause by the remote host was busy The default values are:
getter/setter pair
outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByError ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the pk invitation failed cause by other error happen The default values are:
getter/setter pair
outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByLocalHostStateError ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the pk invitation failed cause by the status of the local host was wrong The default values are:
getter/setter pair
outgoingPKBattleRequestRejectedCauseByReject ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the pk invitation failed cause by the remote host refused The default values are:
getter/setter pair
pkBattleEndedCauseByAnotherHost ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the remote host end the PK The default values are:
getter/setter pair
receivedCoHostInvitationDialogInfo ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the audience when receiving an invitation from the host to join co-hosting. The default values are:
getter/setter pair
receivedCoHostRequestDialogInfo ZegoLiveStreamingDialogInfo
The dialog info for the host when receiving a request from an audience to join co-hosting. The default values are:
getter/setter pair
removeCoHostButton String
The text of button which host remove co-host from the stage. The default value is "Remove the co-host".
getter/setter pair
removeUserMenuDialogButton String
The text of button which host kick out audience or co-host from the live stream. The default value is "Remove %0 from the room", where %0 will be replaced with the corresponding username.
getter/setter pair
repeatInviteCoHostFailedToast String
Notification for the repeated co-hosting invitation. Leave it blank if you don't want any notification to appear. The default value is "You've sent the invitation, please wait for confirmation.".
getter/setter pair
requestCoHostButton String
The text of button which audience request to join co-hosting. The default value is "Apply to co-host".
getter/setter pair
requestCoHostFailedToast String
Notification for unsuccessful audience request to join co-hosting. If you don't want any notification to appear, leave it blank. The default value is "Failed to apply for connection.".
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeBasementTitle String
Reverb effect:Basement
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeConcertTitle String
Reverb effect:Concert
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeGramophoneTitle String
Reverb effect:Gramophone
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeHallTitle String
Reverb effect:Hall
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeKTVTitle String
Reverb effect: Karaoke
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeLargeRoomTitle String
Reverb effect:Large room
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeNoneTitle String
Reverb effect:None
getter/setter pair
reverbTypePopularTitle String
Reverb effect:Pop
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeRecordingStudioTitle String
Reverb effect:Recording studio
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeRockTitle String
Reverb effect:Rock
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeSmallRoomTitle String
Reverb effect:Small room
getter/setter pair
reverbTypeValleyTitle String
Reverb effect:Valley
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendRequestCoHostToast String
Notification after successful audience request to join co-hosting. If you don't want any notification to appear, leave it blank. The default value is "You are applying to be a co-host, please wait for confirmation.".
getter/setter pair
startLiveStreamingButton String
The text of the start button on the host live preview page. The default value is "Start".
getter/setter pair
userEnter String
user enter tips in message
getter/setter pair
userLeave String
user leave tips in message
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerAMajorTitle String
Voice changing effect:A Major
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerCMajorTitle String
Voice changing effect:C Major
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerCrystalClearTitle String
Voice changing effect: Crystal-clear
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerDeepTitle String
Voice changing effect: Deep
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerEtherealTitle String
Voice changing effect: Ethereal
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerFemaleTitle String
Voice changing effect:Female
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerHarmonicMinorTitle String
Voice changing effect:Harmonic minor
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerLittleBoyTitle String
Voice changing effect: Little Boy
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerLittleGirlTitle String
Voice changing effect: Little Girl
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerMaleTitle String
Voice changing effect:Male
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerNoneTitle String
Voice changing effect: None
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerOptimusPrimeTitle String
Voice changing effect:Optimus Prime
getter/setter pair
voiceChangerRobotTitle String
Voice changing effect: Robot
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

param_1 String
%0: is a string placeholder, represents the first parameter of prompt
getter/setter pair