ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleHostReconnectingBuilder typedef

ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleHostReconnectingBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ZegoUIKitUser? host, Map<String, dynamic> extraInfo)

This function should return a Widget that is used to customize the UI displayed when the host reconnects in a PK battle.

You can use this callback to customize the UI content to be displayed.

  • context is the BuildContext object.
  • host is an optional parameter that represents the information of the current host. If there is no host currently, it will be null.
  • extraInfo is a Map object that contains custom information for the PK battle.
  • Return a Widget object that represents the custom component for the PK Battle View.


typedef ZegoLiveStreamingPKBattleHostReconnectingBuilder = Widget Function(
  BuildContext context,
  ZegoUIKitUser? host,
  Map<String, dynamic> extraInfo,