onPlayerRecvAudioSideInfo method

void onPlayerRecvAudioSideInfo(
  1. String streamID,
  2. Uint8List data

Receive the audio side information content of the remote stream.

Available since: 2.19.0 Description: After the startPlayingStream function is called successfully, when the remote stream sends audio side information, the local end will receive this callback. Trigger: After the startPlayingStream function is called successfully, when the remote stream sends audio side information, the local end will receive this callback. Caution: 1. When mutePlayStreamAudio or muteAllPlayStreamAudio is called to set only the video stream to be pulled, the audio side information not be received. 2. Due to factors such as the network, the received data may be missing, but the order is guaranteed. Related APIs: Send audio side information by the sendAudioSideInfo function.

  • streamID Stream ID.
  • data Audio side information content.


void onPlayerRecvAudioSideInfo(
  String streamID,
  Uint8List data,
) {}