onAudioEffectPlayStateUpdate method

void onAudioEffectPlayStateUpdate(
  1. ZegoAudioEffectPlayer audioEffectPlayer,
  2. int audioEffectID,
  3. ZegoAudioEffectPlayState state,
  4. int errorCode,

Audio effect playback state callback.

Available since: 1.16.0 Description: This callback is triggered when the playback state of a audio effect of the audio effect player changes. Trigger: This callback is triggered when the playback status of the audio effect changes. Restrictions: None.

  • audioEffectPlayer Audio effect player instance that triggers this callback.
  • audioEffectID The ID of the audio effect resource that triggered this callback.
  • state The playback state of the audio effect.
  • errorCode Error code, please refer to the error codes document https://docs.zegocloud.com/en/5548.html for details.


void onAudioEffectPlayStateUpdate(
  ZegoAudioEffectPlayer audioEffectPlayer,
  int audioEffectID,
  ZegoAudioEffectPlayState state,
  int errorCode,
) {}