ZegoCallHangUpConfirmationCallback typedef

ZegoCallHangUpConfirmationCallback = Future<bool> Function(ZegoCallHangUpConfirmationEvent event, Future<bool> defaultAction())


typedef ZegoCallHangUpConfirmationCallback = Future<bool> Function(
  ZegoCallHangUpConfirmationEvent event,

  /// defaultAction to **return to the previous page** or **hide the minimize page**
  /// If you do not execute defaultAction and want to control the end time of the call yourself, then:
  /// when [event.isFromMinimizing] is false, just call **Navigator.pop()** or **ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallController().hangUp()**to return to the previous page
  /// when [event.isFromMinimizing] is true, just hide the minimize page by call **ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallController().minimize.hide()**
  Future<bool> Function() defaultAction,