apply method
Applies heuristic rule to an insert operation on a document
and returns
resulting Delta
Delta? apply(Delta document, int index, Object data) {
if (data is! String) return null;
final text = data;
if (text != '\n') return null;
final iter = DeltaIterator(document);
final before = iter.skip(index);
final after =;
if (isEdgeLineSplit(before, after)) return null;
// This is not an edge line split, meaning that the cursor is somewhere in
// the middle of the lines' text. Which in turn means there is no embeds
// around the cursor and it is safe to assume we have only text.
final textAfter = as String;
final result = Delta()..retain(index);
if (textAfter.contains('\n')) {
// It is not allowed to combine line and inline styles in insert
// operation containing newline together with other characters.
// The only scenario we get such operation is when the text is plain.
// No attributes to apply so we simply create a new line.
return result;
// Continue looking for a newline.
final nextNewline = _findNextNewline(iter);
final attributes = nextNewline.op?.attributes;
return result..insert('\n', attributes);