Zebra DataWedge Plugin

This plugin provides a simple interface for interacting with Zebra DataWedge for barcode scanning and label printing functionalities. It includes methods to manage DataWedge profiles, control scanning, and print labels via Zebra printers.


  • Create and manage DataWedge profiles
  • Start and stop barcode scanning
  • Stream scanned data
  • Connect to Zebra printers (via IP)
  • Print labels using Zebra printers
  • Calibrate Zebra printers


To use the Zebra DataWedge plugin, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  zebra_datawedge: ^<latest_version>

Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.


  1. Make sure you have the Zebra DataWedge app installed on your Zebra device.
  2. Ensure that the necessary permissions are granted for accessing the scanner and printer functionalities.


Initialize DataWedge

Before using any of the DataWedge functionalities, you must initialize the plugin.


Scanning Methods

  1. Create DataWedge Profile
    This method creates a DataWedge profile with the given name. If no name is provided, it defaults to "TejasGProdInternal_2".

    ZebraDataWedge().createDataWedgeProfile(profileName: "MyProfile");
  2. Start Scanning
    This method will start the barcode scanner.

  3. Stop Scanning
    This method will stop the barcode scanner.

  4. Get Stream of Scanned Data
    This method provides a stream that will emit the scanned barcode data as it is scanned by the scanner.

    ZebraDataWedge().getStreamOfData.listen((scannedData) {
      print('Scanned Data: $scannedData');
  5. Enable DataWedge
    Enables the DataWedge service.

  6. Disable DataWedge
    Disables the DataWedge service.


Printer Methods

  1. Connect to Printer
    Connect to a Zebra printer using its IP address and an optional port number (default is 9100).

    bool isConnected = await ZebraDataWedge().connectToPrinter("");
  2. Disconnect from Printer
    Disconnect from the Zebra printer using its IP address.

    bool isDisconnected = await ZebraDataWedge().disconnectToPrinter("");
  3. Print Label
    Send a ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) command to the printer to print a label. Make sure to pass the label enclosed in forward slash and single quotes (/') as shown below.

    bool printed = await ZebraDataWedge().printerLabel("", "/'^XA^FO100,100^A0N,50,50^FDHello, World!^FS^XZ'/");
  4. Calibrate Printer
    Calibrate the Zebra printer by sending a calibration command. The command must be enclosed in forward slash and single quotes (/').

    bool calibrated = await ZebraDataWedge().calibratePrinter("", "/'^XA^MMT^XZ'/");
  5. Check if Printer is Available
    This method will check if the printer is available by pinging its IP address.

    bool isAvailable = await ZebraDataWedge().isPrinterAvailable("");

API Methods

Scanning Methods:

  • createDataWedgeProfile({String profileName = "TejasGProdInternal_2"}): Creates a DataWedge profile with the given profile name.
  • startScan(): Starts the barcode scanning process.
  • stopScan(): Stops the barcode scanning process.
  • getStreamOfData: Stream of data that provides the scanned barcode as a string.
  • initialized(): Initializes the plugin for use.
  • enableDataWedge(): Enables the DataWedge service for scanning.
  • disableDataWedge(): Disables the DataWedge service for scanning.

Printer Methods:

  • connectToPrinter(String ipAddress, {int portNumber = 9100}): Connects to a Zebra printer using the provided IP address and port number.
  • disconnectToPrinter(String ipAddress): Disconnects from a Zebra printer.
  • printerLabel(String ipAddress, String label): Sends a ZPL label to the printer.
  • calibratePrinter(String ipAddress, String command): Sends a calibration command to the printer.
  • isPrinterAvailable(String ipAddress): Checks if the printer is available at the provided IP address.


void main() async {
  ZebraDataWedge dataWedge = ZebraDataWedge();

  // Initialize DataWedge
  await dataWedge.initialized();

  // Create DataWedge Profile
  await dataWedge.createDataWedgeProfile(profileName: "MyProfile");

  // Start scanning
  await dataWedge.startScan();

  // Listen to scanned data
  dataWedge.getStreamOfData.listen((scannedData) {
    print('Scanned Data: $scannedData');

  // Connect to the printer
  bool connected = await dataWedge.connectToPrinter("");

  // Print a label
  bool printed = await dataWedge.printerLabel("", "'^XA^FO100,100^A0N,50,50^FDHello, Zebra!^FS^XZ'");

  // Check if the printer is available
  bool isAvailable = await dataWedge.isPrinterAvailable("");

  // Calibrate the printer
  bool calibrated = await dataWedge.calibratePrinter("", "'^XA^MMT^XZ'");

  // Disconnect from the printer
  bool disconnected = await dataWedge.disconnectToPrinter("");


This plugin is open-source and available under the MIT License.