generate static method

ZetaColorSwatch generate(
  1. Color primary, {
  2. Brightness brightness = Brightness.light,
  3. ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa,
  4. Color background = Colors.white,
  5. bool adjustAccessibility = false,

Darker shades are obtained by darkening the primary color and lighter shades by lightening it.

  • 100, 90, 80, and 70 are darker shades of the primary color.
  • 60 is the primary color itself.
  • 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 are progressively lighter shades of the primary color.


static ZetaColorSwatch generate(
  Color primary, {
  Brightness brightness = Brightness.light,
  ZetaContrast contrast = ZetaContrast.aa,
  Color background = Colors.white,
  bool adjustAccessibility = false,
}) {
  return ZetaColorSwatch(
    contrast: contrast,
    brightness: brightness,
    primary: primary.value,
    swatch: primary.generateSwatch(
        background: background, adjustPrimary: adjustAccessibility,),
  ).apply(brightness: brightness);