DateTimeFormatter extension

Extension on DateTime.



endOfMonth DateTime
Returns the last day of the month in this DateTime.
no setter
getWeekday int
Gets weekday from DateTime where sunday is 0 and saturday is 6
no setter
startOfMonth DateTime
Returns the first day of the month of this DateTime.
no setter
toMidnight DateTime
Returns date at 00:00:00
no setter
weekNumberOfYear int
Gets the week number within a year.
no setter


format([String template = 'MM/dd/yyyy KK:mm a', String locale = 'en_US']) String
Applies a DateFormat to this DateTime.
getFirstDayOfWeek({int weekStartDay = 0}) DateTime
Gets first day of week.
getLastDayOfWeek({int weekStartDay = 0}) DateTime
Gets last day of week.
getWeeksNumbersInMonth(StartingDayOfWeek startingDayOfWeek, DateTime focusedDay) List<int>
Gets the week numbers for a month
isSameDay(DateTime input) bool
Returns true if the input DateTimes are on the same day, ignoring the time.