read method

  1. @override
void read()


void read() async {

  Z.inInterrupt = true;


  final operands = visitOperandsVar(4, true);

  final storeTo = readb();

  if (operands.length > 2) {
    //TODO implement aread optional args
    log.warning('implement aread optional args');
    throw GameException(
        "Sorry :( This interpreter doesn't yet support a required feature of this game.");

  int maxBytes = mem.loadb(operands[0].value!);

  int textBuffer = operands[0].value! + 2;

  int? maxWords;
  int parseBuffer;

  // if (operands.length > 2) {
  maxWords = mem.loadb(operands[1].value!);

  parseBuffer = operands[1].value! + 1;
  // }

  void processLine(String line) async {
    line = line.trim().toLowerCase();
    Z.mostRecentInput = line;

    var charCount = mem.loadb(textBuffer - 1);
    if (charCount > 0) {
      //continuation of previous input
      maxBytes -= charCount;

    if (line.length > maxBytes - 1) {
      line = line.substring(0, maxBytes - 2);
      log.warning("Truncated line in v5 read(): $line");

    var tbTotalAddr = textBuffer - 1;

    //write the total to the textBuffer (adjust if continuation)
        line.length + charCount > 0 ? line.length + charCount : 0);

    var zChars = ZSCII.toZCharList(line);

    //adjust if continuation
    textBuffer += charCount > 0 ? charCount : 0;

    //store the zscii chars in text buffer
    for (final c in zChars) {
      mem.storeb(textBuffer++, c);

    var tokens = Z.engine.mem.dictionary.tokenize(line);

    log.fine("got tokens $tokens in v5 read()");

    if (maxWords == null) {
      log.fine("z5 read() maxWords == null");
      //second parameter was not passed, so
      // we are not going to write to the parse
      // buffer (etude.z5 does .. )
      writeVariable(storeTo, 10);

    //Debugger.verbose('    (tokenized: $tokens)');

    var parsed = Z.engine.mem.dictionary.parse(tokens, line);

    var maxParseBufferBytes = (4 * maxWords) + 2;

    var i = 0;
    for (final p in parsed) {
      if (i > maxParseBufferBytes) break;
      mem.storeb(parseBuffer++, p);

    // must return 13 v5+
    writeVariable(storeTo, 13);

  final result = await Z.sendIO({"command":});

  Z.inInterrupt = false;
  if (result == '/!') {
    Z.inBreak = true;
    Debugger.debugStartAddr = programCounter- 1;
  } else {