Engine constructor



    : stack = Stack(),
      // stack max  used to be 1024 for older games.
      // newer games required much larger sometimes.
      // 6.3.3.
      callStack = Stack.max(61440) {
  logName = "Engine";
  r = DRandom.withSeed(DateTime.now().millisecond);
  ops = {
    /* 2OP, small, small */
    1: je,
    2: jl,
    3: jg,
    4: decChk,
    5: incChk,
    6: jin,
    7: test,
    8: or,
    9: and,
    10: testAttr,
    11: setAttr,
    12: clearAttr,
    13: store,
    14: insertObj,
    15: loadWord,
    16: loadByte,
    17: getProp,
    18: getPropAddr,
    19: getNextProp,
    20: add,
    21: sub,
    22: mul,
    23: div,
    24: mod,
    /* 25 : call_2s */
    25: notFound,
    /* 26 : call_2n */
    26: notFound,
    /* 27 : set_colour */
    27: notFound,
    /* 28 : throw */
    28: notFound,

    /* 2OP, small, variable */
    33: je,
    34: jg,
    35: jl,
    36: decChk,
    37: incChk,
    38: jin,
    39: test,
    40: or,
    41: and,
    42: testAttr,
    43: setAttr,
    44: clearAttr,
    45: store,
    46: insertObj,
    47: loadWord,
    48: loadByte,
    49: getProp,
    50: getPropAddr,
    51: getNextProp,
    52: add,
    53: sub,
    54: mul,
    55: div,
    56: mod,
    /* 57 : call_2s */
    57: notFound,
    /* 58 : call_2n */
    58: notFound,
    /* 59 : set_colour */
    59: notFound,
    /* 60 : throw */
    60: notFound,

    /* 2OP, variable, small */
    65: je,
    66: jl,
    67: jg,
    68: decChk,
    69: incChk,
    70: jin,
    71: test,
    72: or,
    73: and,
    74: testAttr,
    75: setAttr,
    76: clearAttr,
    77: store,
    78: insertObj,
    79: loadWord,
    80: loadByte,
    81: getProp,
    82: getPropAddr,
    83: getNextProp,
    84: add,
    85: sub,
    86: mul,
    87: div,
    88: mod,
    /* 89 : call_2s */
    89: notFound,
    /* 90 : call_2n */
    90: notFound,
    /* 91 : set_colour */
    91: notFound,
    /* 92 : throw */
    92: notFound,

    /* 2OP, variable, variable */
    97: je,
    98: jl,
    99: jg,
    100: decChk,
    101: incChk,
    102: jin,
    103: test,
    104: or,
    105: and,
    106: testAttr,
    107: setAttr,
    108: clearAttr,
    109: store,
    110: insertObj,
    111: loadWord,
    112: loadByte,
    113: getProp,
    114: getPropAddr,
    115: getNextProp,
    116: add,
    117: sub,
    118: mul,
    119: div,
    120: mod,
    /* 121 : call_2s */
    121: notFound,
    /* 122 : call_2n */
    122: notFound,
    /* 123 : set_colour */
    123: notFound,
    /* 124 : throw */
    124: notFound,

    /* 1OP, large */
    128: jz,
    129: getSibling,
    130: getChild,
    131: getParent,
    132: getPropLen,
    133: inc,
    134: dec,
    135: printAddr,
    /* 136 : call_1s */
    136: notFound,
    137: removeObj,
    138: printObj,
    139: ret,
    140: jump,
    141: printPAddr,
    142: load,
    143: not,

    /*** 1OP, small ***/
    144: jz,
    145: getSibling,
    146: getChild,
    147: getParent,
    148: getPropLen,
    149: inc,
    150: dec,
    151: printAddr,
    /* 152 : call_1s */
    152: notFound,
    153: removeObj,
    154: printObj,
    155: ret,
    156: jump,
    157: printPAddr,
    158: load,
    159: not,

    /*** 1OP, variable ***/
    160: jz,
    161: getSibling,
    162: getChild,
    163: getParent,
    164: getPropLen,
    165: inc,
    166: dec,
    167: printAddr,
    /* 168 : call_1s */
    168: notFound,
    169: removeObj,
    170: printObj,
    171: ret,
    172: jump,
    173: printPAddr,
    174: load,
    175: not,

    /* 0 OP */
    176: rtrue,
    177: rfalse,
    178: printf,
    179: printRet,
    180: nop,
    181: save,
    182: restore,
    183: restart,
    184: retPopped,
    185: pop,
    186: quit,
    187: newline,
    188: showStatus,
    189: verify,
    /* 190 : extended */
    190: notFound,
    191: piracy,

    /* 2OP, Variable of op codes 1-31 */
    193: jeV,
    194: jl,
    195: jg,
    196: decChk,
    197: incChk,
    198: jin,
    199: test,
    200: or,
    201: and,
    202: testAttr,
    203: setAttr,
    204: clearAttr,
    205: store,
    206: insertObj,
    207: loadWord,
    208: loadByte,
    209: getProp,
    210: getPropAddr,
    211: getNextProp,
    212: add,
    213: sub,
    214: mul,
    215: div,
    216: mod,
    /* 217 : call_2sV */
    217: notFound,
    /* 218 : call_2nV */
    218: notFound,
    /* 219 : set_colourV */
    219: notFound,
    /* 220 : throwV */
    220: notFound,

    /* xOP, Operands Vary */
    224: callVS,
    225: storewv,
    226: storebv,
    227: putProp,
    228: read,
    229: printChar,
    230: printNum,
    231: random,
    232: push,
    233: pull,
    /* 234 : split_window */
    234: notFound,
    /* 235 : set_window */
    235: notFound,
    /* 236 : call_vs2 */
    236: notFound,
    /* 237 : erase_window */
    237: notFound,
    /* 238 : erase_line */
    238: notFound,
    /* 239 : set_cursor */
    239: notFound,
    /* 240 : get_cursor */
    240: notFound,
    /* 241 : set_text_style */
    241: notFound,
    /* 242 : buffer_mode_flag */
    242: notFound,
    /* 243 : output_stream */
    243: notFound,
    /* 244 : input_stream */
    244: notFound,
    /* 245 : sound_effect */
    245: notFound,
    /* 246 : read_char */
    246: notFound,
    /* 247 : scan_table */
    247: notFound,
    /* 248 : not */
    248: notFound,
    /* 249 : call_vn */
    249: notFound,
    /* 250 : call_vn2 */
    250: notFound,
    /* 251 : tokenise */
    251: notFound,
    /* 252 : encode_text */
    252: notFound,
    /* 253 : copy_table */
    253: notFound,
    /* 254 : print_table */
    254: notFound,
    /* 255 : check_arg_count */
    255: notFound