
Getting started

Flutter Installation

Install Flutter SDK in your machine.

Run Example

To run the example just run $ flutter pub get and $ flutter run in the /example folder.

Deploy Package

1 - Run $ npm run deploy:verify to check package. 2 - Run $ npm run deploy to deploy package in pub repository.

Installing Zapt-Location-SDK-Flutter in another project

In the root folder of your project run:

$ flutter pub add zapt_sdk_flutter


After the installation is done according to the steps above, just import the package into the desired file.

import 'package:zapt_sdk_flutter/zapt_sdk_flutter.dart';

The function presented just below provides a link that can be used in a WebView or similar HTML rendering component. This link renders a map that shows the user's location in real time.

final _zaptSdkFlutterPlugin = ZaptSdkFlutter();
Map<String, String> options = {'floorId': '1'};
final String placeId = "-ltvysf4acgzdxdhf81y";

String mapLink = ""
mapLink = await _zaptSdkFlutterPlugin.getMapLink({'placeId': placeId, 'options': options});

ZaptMap Widget

The ZaptMap Widget brings a real-time location map implementation, ready to be integrated into the APP.

import 'package:zapt_sdk_flutter/zapt_sdk_flutter.dart';

class Example extends StatefulWidget {
  const Example({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<Example> createState() => _ExampleState();

class _ExampleState extends State<Example> {
  Map<String, String> options = {'floorId': '1'};
  final String placeId = "-ltvysf4acgzdxdhf81y";

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        home: ZaptMap(
          placeId: placeId,
          options: options, //optional

Note: Both in the getMapLink function and in the ZaptMap Widget, the placeID parameter is required for the Widget to work. If you have not yet received your location's unique identifier (PLACE_ID), please contact us at

Permissions Request

As soon as the Map is initialized in the APP for the first time, permission will be requested to access the device's location, but if necessary, this permission can be requested at an earlier time through the requestPermissions() function.

Layout Options

The getMapLink function (second parameter) and the ZaptMap Widget (options parameter) accept options to customize the map view.

| Name | Type | Default | Description | | :--------------- | ---- | ------- | ## Installation

In the root folder of your project run:

$ flutter pub add zapt_sdk_flutter------------------------------------------------------------ | | bottomNavigation | bool | true | If true shows the bottom bar | | appBar | bool | true | If true shows the top bar | | search | bool | true | If true shows search field (on large screens) | | splash | bool | true | If true shows Zapt Tech splash, if false shows generic splash | | navBar | bool | true | If true shows the nav bar | | embed | bool | false | If true removes all options |

Functional Options

In addition to the layout options, the options attribute also receives an option for map functionality.

| Name | Type | Description | |To run the example just run $ flutter pub get and $ flutter run in the /example folder.

Deploy Package

1 - Run $ npm run deploy:verify to check package. 2 - Run $ npm run deploy to deploy package in pub repository. -------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | floorId | string | Gets the ID of the floor on which the map should be launched. See this ID in the Portal. | | zoom | number | Set the initial zoom of the map. The zoom value must be between the minimum and maximum limits defined in the map settings. | | rotation | number | Defines an initial map rotation angle. This value can be between 0 and 360. | | poi | string | Receives the ID of a point of interest and centers the map on it. See this ID in the Portal. |

Center by Coordinates

Name Type Description
centerX number Set the initial center of the map horizontally
centerY number Set the initial center of the map horizontally

Note: The centerX and centerY attributes must be used at the same time to work.

Plot routes with points of interest

Name Type Description
fromPoi string ID of a point of interest for the start of a route.
toPoi string ID of a point of interest for the start of a route.

Note: You can add only the target point parameter. In this case the route will be drawn from the main entrance, if any. If only the starting point is entered, nothing will happen.

Trace routes with coordinates

Name Type Description
fromCoordinateX number X coordinate (horizontal) for route origin
fromCoordinateY number Y (vertical) coordinate for route origin
fromCoordinateZ number Z coordinate (walk) for route origin
toCoordinateX number X coordinate (horizontal) for route destination
toCoordinateY number Y (vertical) coordinate for route destination
toCoordinateZ number Z coordinate (walk) for route destination

Note: You can add only the target point parameter. In this case the route will be drawn from the main entrance, if any. If only the starting point is entered, nothing will happen.

Draw marker

Name Type Description
markerX number X coordinates (horizontal) where marker should be drawn.
markerY number Y coordinates (horizontal) where marker should be drawn.
markerZ number Z coordinates (floor) where marker should be drawn.