pickFile static method

Future<String?> pickFile({
  1. required FileType fileType,
  2. List<String>? customType,

Picks a file based on the specified fileType and optional customType.

Returns the file path of the picked file.

Throws a PlatformException if the operation fails.


static Future<String?> pickFile({
  required FileType fileType,
  List<String>? customType,
}) async {
  const MethodChannel channel = MethodChannel('MediaPicker');

  try {
    var filePath = await channel.invokeMethod('pickMedia', {
      'mediaType': "File",
      'pickerType': fileType.toString().split('.').last,
      'options': {"fileTypes": customType},

    return filePath;
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle platform-specific exceptions if needed
    print('Error picking file: $e');