solver_congruence_root method

Z3_ast solver_congruence_root(
  1. Z3_context c,
  2. Z3_solver s,
  3. Z3_ast a

\brief retrieve the congruence closure root of an expression. The root is retrieved relative to the state where the solver was in when it completed. If it completed during a set of case splits, the congruence roots are relative to these case splits. That is, the congruences are not consequences but they are true under the current state.

def_API('Z3_solver_congruence_root', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(SOLVER), _in(AST)))


Z3_ast solver_congruence_root(
  Z3_context c,
  Z3_solver s,
  Z3_ast a,
) {
  return _solver_congruence_root(