mk_bvsdiv method

Z3_ast mk_bvsdiv(
  1. Z3_context c,
  2. Z3_ast t1,
  3. Z3_ast t2

\brief Two's complement signed division.

It is defined in the following way:

  • The \c floor of \ccode{t1/t2} if \c t2 is different from zero, and \ccode{t1*t2 >= 0}.

  • The \c ceiling of \ccode{t1/t2} if \c t2 is different from zero, and \ccode{t1*t2 < 0}.

If \ccode{t2} is zero, then the result is undefined.

The nodes \c t1 and \c t2 must have the same bit-vector sort.

def_API('Z3_mk_bvsdiv', AST, (_in(CONTEXT), _in(AST), _in(AST)))


Z3_ast mk_bvsdiv(
  Z3_context c,
  Z3_ast t1,
  Z3_ast t2,
) {
  return _mk_bvsdiv(