normalization property

Normalization normalization

A parameter class that primarily pertain to XLayers for customizing the intake of SensorEvent data.

  • Normalization.autocompensates, a flag for toggling autocompensation after steady sensor samples for delay
  • Normalization.delay, how long to wait before kicking in autocompensation, considering sensitivity to past samples in a buffer
  • Normalization.compensation, an amount to shear from raw AccelerometerEvent data (x or y axis, as gyroscope is used for z data)
  • Normalization.scalar, an amount to multiply by the calculated sensor parallax factor
  • Normalization.samplingRate, how frequently sensor data samples are propagated
  • Normalization.sensitivity, a double clamped between 0..1, that influences the maximum List length for a sensors data samples buffer.
    • A larger sensitivity and thus smaller samples buffer means new, strong outlier accelerometer data stands out more easily from the average of the past samples in the buffer

There is a fine balance between sensitivity and samplingRate. It is recommended to keep them default and modify delay as necessary.


final Normalization normalization;