sensitivity property

double sensitivity

How "sensitive" this Normalization should be as an double. Clamped between 0..1.

Influences the size of a buffer that stores past sensor samples. That is to say, this sensitivity is subtracted from 1.0, then the result is multiplied by 1000 and used as the maximum List length for a sensor samples buffer.

sensitivity | calculation | buffer length

  • 1.0 => (1.0 - 1.0) * 1000 = 0
  • 0.9 => (1.0 - 0.9) * 1000 = 100 (default)
  • 0.0 => (1.0 - 0.0) * 1000 = 1000

A larger sensitivity, and thus smaller samples buffer means new, strong outlier accelerometer data stands out more easily from the average of the past samples in the buffer. This will cause autocompensation on AcceleraxLayers (or XLayers) to kick in more easily, delayed by a wait for delay Duration.

A smaller sensitivity also increases the size of an internal List<List<double>> buffer, so consider memory consumption.

Default is 0.9 for a buffer List length of 100. With sensitivity == 1.0, autocompensation would consistently occur every delay Duration.


final double sensitivity;