rampOpacity method

List<BoxShadow> rampOpacity(
  1. List<double> stops, {
  2. Color? color,

Return a new List<BoxShadow> that mirrors this one except the Color.opacity of each BoxShadow will be set to the double that matches in index from 📊 stops.

If 📊 stops has less entries than this List, stops.last will be applied to the extra BoxShadows.


Apply a single new 🎨 color for each BoxShadow.color in this simultaneously.


List<BoxShadow> rampOpacity(List<double> stops, {Color? color}) {
  List<BoxShadow> rampedShadows = [];
  int i = 0;

  for (BoxShadow shadow in this)
      shadow *
          (color ?? shadow.color)
              // `i-1` since we increment++ when checking against length
              .withOpacity((i++ >= stops.length) ? stops.last : stops[i - 1]),

  return rampedShadows;